You can modify this prayer to fit your own beliefs, person, or situation. You can use the prayer for yourself, too!
I offer this prayer for [Name]. I intend that my prayer is aligned with [name]’s heart’s desire and highest good.
I affirm the truth of Eternal Divine Unconditional Love and its power to infuse, bless, outshine, and positively transform any apparent reality or condition. As I feel and breathe, in whole body resonance with faith and love, I release all sense of problem, concern, or limitation. From this place I envision this positive change for [Name].
[Name] is well-established on a healing path in which they are relieved of any influences not in resonance with their highest well-being. Their mood is stable and their thinking is clear. They are fully present with others, free of troubling delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations. Their entire being is soothed. Agitation, fear, worry, or guilt are replaced by a feeling of peacefulness and inner tranquility.
[Name] has the practical means to stay healthy and balanced, including access to healthcare and funds to cover all costs. They have a stable place to live and a harmonious home environment. They have help navigating the healthcare system and easy transportation to appointments.
[Name] is compassionately supported by skilled and culturally competent doctors, counselors, and other healers to be well on all levels—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They are on board with their treatment plan and take medications as directed. Side effects are benign and well managed.
[Name] has enough energy to accomplish all activities of daily living either independently or with help. Their sleep is restful and restorative. They take in sufficient nourishment. They are able to cope with daily stressors. Any self-soothing strategies they engage are benign and in balance. Any impulse toward self-harm or harm to others is replaced by healthy coping strategies and behaviors. They notice when changes occur in their mental state and are open to receiving help before symptoms escalate.
[Name] loves, values, and cares for themself. They relate positively to others and have the companionship of kind and caring people. They engage in activities that bring joy and meaning to their life. They feel they have a place in the world.
May they be healed by a force of Grace beyond all knowing.
So it is and so it will be.