You can modify this prayer to fit your own beliefs, person, or situation.
I offer this prayer for [Name]. I intend that my prayer is aligned with [Name]’s heart’s desire and highest good.
I affirm the truth of Eternal Divine Unconditional Love and its power to infuse, bless, outshine, and positively transform any apparent reality or condition. As I feel and breathe, in whole body resonance with faith and love, I release all sense of problem, concern, or limitation. From this place I envision this positive change for [Name].
[Name] recovers at all levels of their being—mind, body, emotion, and spirit. Their recovery is more than ceasing to use substances; it also brings resilience, the capacity to engage healthy strategies to cope with life’s stressors, and a positive sense of wellness, inner tranquility, and peace of mind. Their recovery arises in a space in which stigma is replaced with empathy, knowledge, and understanding. They have a sense of personal agency and are an active participant in their recovery.
[Name] has the practical means to stay healthy and balanced, including access to healthcare and funds to cover all costs. They have a stable place to live and a harmonious home environment. They are able to navigate the healthcare system and have easy transportation to appointments.
[Name] has the support of skilled and culturally sensitive healers and an effective approach to treatment that attends to all dimensions of emotional and mental health. Any self-soothing strategies they engage are benign and in balance. – Any medications are effective and side effects are minimal and well-managed. Any relapses along the way are brief and serve to strengthen their resolve to recover.
[Name]’s body is gently detoxed from any adverse chemicals and toxins. They take in sufficient nourishment. Energy and mental clarity return. They have enough energy to accomplish all activities of daily living, either independently or with the help of kind and competent helpers. Their sleep is restful and restorative.
[Name] is supported by loving people who believe in [name]’s ability to recover, who offer hope, support, and encouragement, and who support [name]’s treatment plan. [Name] loves, values, and cares for themself and relates positively to others. They feel their value and intrinsic worth, and that they have a place in the world.
[Name] creates a new and meaningful life that is not solely focused on “not doing something” but instead, on doing what they find meaningful, restorative, interesting, and joyful.
May they be healed by a force of Grace beyond all knowing.
So it is and so it will be.