June, 2023
Sheila Hoover in white text on a background of purple flowers
After I wrote my first book, Helping Through Heartache, some friends who had cancer asked me to write another book on how to help someone with a serious illness or chronic health condition.

They had also felt that people really wanted to help them, but weren't sure what to do or say. So this book is for the helpers - to walk you through how to help.
book cover Helping Through Illness
I spent the last year interviewing people with serious or chronic illnesses, drawing a lot of cartoons, reflecting on my own experiences caring for friends and family who were ill, and writing and rewriting tips. Helping Through Illness: Practical Ways to Support Someone with a Serious or Chronic Condition, featuring “Ailey Cat” is now available!
a cartoon cat looking sad and asking for help
The cartoons in the book are intended to give voice to anyone who is dealing with a serious and/or chronic condition in a way that lightens a heavy topic but is still very real. The cartoons show us how our loved ones feel, what they need, and how we can help.
Even though this book is witten for the helpers, I was surprised to get feedback that the book is also helpful to Ailey Cats as they navigate their illness.

I never intended to be an author but both books seemed to want to be written. They are a labor of love and if they help even one person, it was worth it.


If you are wondering “how can I be helpful to a friend or loved one who is ill?” read this book. It is one of the most light-hearted - yet complete - guides available for walking with the people we love through tough times.
Sarah Teten Kanter, PhD, author of Positive Caregiving

Helping Through Illness is such a useful and easy read! Each page of this concise handbook gives a practical tip on what one could do or say when they feel awkward about how they could genuinely help someone living with illness.
Jeanne Lee, MD, palliative care physician, author of Own Your Care: A Family Guide to Navigating Complex Illness, Declining Health, or Unexpected Prognosis


I'm very interested to know what you think of this book! If you are moved to write a review on Amazon I would be most grateful.
Cat cartoons showing books, prayers and resources
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“There are only four kinds of people in the world — those that have been caregivers, those that are caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.” ~First Lady Rosalynn Carter

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