May, 2023
sheila hoover heading with a picture of yellow daisies
Hello! It’s been two years since Helping Through Heartbreak was published and I continue to be surprised at the different ways people are using this book.

It was written for people to learn how to best support someone in their life who is grievingbut I found out that it’s useful to more than just the helpers:
cover of the book Helping Through Heartache
  • People who are grieving have told me it helped them better understand their own grief.
  • I had a friend with cancer who brought copies of my book to her medical appointments and if someone wasn’t treating her with sensitivity she would hand them my book and say “This is how you need to treat me!”
  • And someone told me that they colored in the Sad Cat like a coloring book, which I thought was awesome.
Three cartoon cats in a row with different colors
It showed me that sometimes when you set off in one direction, it can take unexpected and interesting turns!
Sad Cat is intentionally gender neutral, and is referred to in the book as “they” because I wanted Sad Cat to be relatable to as many people as possible.


There are many great books on grief, but I especially like these two. Whenever I hear that someone has lost a loved one, the first thing I do is send them copies of these books.
Book cover of The Courage to Grieve

"There is a morning inside you waiting to burst open into light." ~Rumi

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